Thursday, August 12, 2010

Infragistics WebDatePicker AutoPostBack

WebDatePicker is one of the nice controls provided by Infragistics company. This control has a nice user interface as well many other nice features
Figure(1) Infragistics WebDatePicker

To configure this control to fire postback when selecting a value from the calendar, there is a small trick you have to do. The default value of the property “Edit Mode” is “KeyboardAndCalendar” which causes the postback event to be fired after the control loose focus.

Figure(2) WebDatePicker Properties

To fire the postback event when the user selectes a value, you have to change the property value to “CalendarOnly”.


  1. Thanks for the tip! Exactly what I was looking for.

  2. how to clear value selected from date picker on click of some other button or on page partial load
